Who: People or businesses who are looking to develop or build upon the power of their brand. You may just be starting out or you may be well-established. You may want to build a Fortune 500 company or you may want to build and improve your personal brand. You may be looking for a quick, simple, one-time solution. Or, you may be looking for a long-term, permanent practice. From brand creation to product launches and sponsor activation to event planning, you’ve come to the right place.
What: Power Hours begin with a consultation with Alicia during which she will learn the goals your brand is seeking to achieve. After the initial consultation, Alicia will develop an Action Plan for your brand which will allow it to meet its goals. For those brands in the infancy stage, Alicia will help you develop an identity for your brand and teach you how to launch your brand–whether it is a personal brand or a corporation–in a way that will draw attention. For existing brands, Alicia will help you adopt solutions which are consistent with your brand’s image and identity. After the development of the Action Plan, the Power Hour may end, or your brand may choose to bring Alicia on to activate the plan and carry it through. Power Hours are customizable and intended to meet the needs of individual clients. No brand is the same, and thus, every Power Hour is different.
Why: Because two great minds are better than one. Together, we can accomplish more. As a writer for Forbes and The Huffington Post, I am constantly invited into some of the greatest, most-profitable businesses in the United States. Through these meetings, I learn before most about industry trends. Through this knowledge, I’ve been able to develop my own ideas as to how to solve common problems brands face. On top of that, I’ve learned skills that allow brands to differentiate themselves from others, and ultimately, succeed.